Welcome to the WALTZ-DB 2.0

WALTZ-DB 2.0 is a database for characterizing short peptides for their amyloid fiber-forming capacities. The majority of the data comes from electron microscopy, FTIR and Thioflavin-T experiments done by the Switch lab. Apart from that class of data we also provide the amyloid annotation for several other short peptides found in current scientific research papers. Structural models of the potential amyloid cores are provided for every peptide entry.

We encourage users to help us keep the database up to date by submitting newly identified aggregation-prone peptide sequences using the contact form available online (http://waltzdb.switchlab.org/contact).


Louros, N. et al. (2019) WALTZ-DB 2.0: an updated database containing structural information of experimentally determined amyloid-forming peptides. Nucleic Acids Res, 48 (D1), D389–D393. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz758